CR2 files Seamless transfer of images and movies from your Canon camera to your devices and web services. Creative Park Creative Park Creative Park. From easy craft ideas to origami-style 3D models – bring the paper fun into. Full FastRawViewer functionality is provided for all Canon cameras listed below. Both Mac OS X (10.6+) and Windows (7-10, XP, Vista) platforms are supported. Do you have RAW shots from Canon camera(s) in CR2 format that you have to quickly view, evaluate, and sort? FastRawViewer is the tool you need. CR2 Viewer, dispite converting CR2 extension in other file formats, also provide and rotating of the opened image and resizing. Enlarging or reducing of the images with CR2 Viewer is done without losing much quality of opened image. CR2 Viewer is a nice tool for managing your Canon Raw images. Fotor is a popular image viewer and image editor to open CR2 files. It lets you view CR2. CR2 Viewer is a free product that can easily open, convert, resize and save CR2 image files. CR2 Viewer Canon RAW Digital Image Viewer. Home Screenshots Download Online Viewer Online Convert Tutorial Support FAQ. CR2 Viewer Download. Windows Server 2003/2008, Windows XP, Vista.
CR2 files are Canon Raw Image files used to store uncompressed image data taken by a Canon digital camera. The raw camera image stores uncompressed image data in the exact state that it was captured by the camera's Charged Couple Device (CCD) sensors. The 'raw' form is optimal for storing an image as each primary color is recorded in 12 or 14 bits and a lossless compression is used.
You can also perform post-process operations on the image, such as adjusting the white balance and exposure, without losing a lot of quality. Since the file stores raw image data it does not contain a ready-to-view image like the JPEG format. The CR2 format is based on the TIFF specification and replaced the CRW format, which is based on the Camera Image File Format (CIFF) designed by Canon. Photo fx for mac.
Open CR2 files for free with File Viewer Lite
File Viewer Lite is a FREE program that can open Canon Raw Image .CR2 files. |
More information
File Viewer Lite is a free .CR2 file opener that allows you to view the raw image. In addition to the Canon Raw Image file, File Viewer Lite can open over 150 file types, including Digital Negative Image files, Ogg Vorbis Audio files, MPEG-4 Video files, Microsoft Word Documents, and more. You can also view unsupported proprietary document formats in the program's Text and Hex Views. These views display the contents of the document, which can provide useful information.
To view your CR2 files, download our free file viewer and drag and drop the .CR2 file onto the program window. File Viewer Lite will open the file and display the document.
The best format to store all the required details about an image has always been through the RAW format. This is the reason why all the leading high-end camera manufacturers have their RAW format which is also referred to as digital negative.
With this format, the image is yet to be processed and there is still a lot that can be done to it. We will be looking at some of the leading RAW photo viewers.
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RAW Image Viewer
RAW Image Viewer is a RAW photo viewer for images captured by Nikon, Canon, and Fuji cameras. It is absolutely free to use and offers users a great way to view the images from these high-end cameras. The app is very basic as it attempts to keep everything as simple as possible.
CR2 Viewer
CR2 Viewer is a RAW photo viewer for the Windows platform that will ensure that you are able to get access to all your RAW images from the various camera manufacturers. With this, you will be in a position to do lots more as not many programs are able to achieve this.
Exif Pro Image Viewer
ExifPro Image Viewer is a leading RAW photo viewer that will also allow you to view the EXIF data of the image. With this, you will be able to view as well as edit this data. Better still, the software supports several RAW formats making it a one stop tool.

Cr2 File Viewer For Mac
Other Platform
The majority of the programs in this category are a resident application, and this means that they greatly depend on the operating system installed. As a result, for a program to work on your platform, it has to have a version specific to that platform thus making it an important consideration while settling on one.
Fast Picture Viewer for Windows
Cr2 Viewer Mac Os
FastPictureViewer is a RAW photo viewer for the Windows platform and supports both the 32 and 64 bit systems. It is also Windows 10 compatible while still supporting the other systems from XP. The software also enjoys a built-in multi-language support and thus increasing the number of users.
Sony Creative-RAW Viewer for Mac
Cr2 Viewer Mac Free
Sony Creative-RAW Viewer is a software designed for Mac it uses RAW image formats that are captured by Sony cameras. With this application, you will be able to view the time codes as well as the duration of the recording. Also, you can view and edit metadata.

RawDroid Pro for Android
RawDroid Pro is an Android app that allows users to view images and photo captured using high-end cameras in their RAW format. This is particularly important especially when one is dealing with RAW images as they are unique in that they have more data on the image. You can pan and zoom the image for a better view.
Most Popular Software for 2016 – Fast Raw Viewer
FastRawViewer is a RAW photo viewer which is a great choice for the professional photographers. The software comes with top of the range viewer and thus making a great viewer. This camera raw file viewer will make a display of RAW and JPEGs. It will also Zoom, Pan, Drag, and offer total interface adjustment color, size, visibility.

What is RAW Photo Viewer?
A RAW photo viewer is a computer program that makes possible for the user to access photos in RAW format. Essentially, this is the format that professional cameras store their images, so as to allow more data to be captured and stored with the image. This is unlike it would be possible when it comes to ordinary photo formats such as JPG. You can also see DWF Viewer Software
In the majority of the cases, these viewers are also able to convert the image into the popular formats so that it is accessible by other common programs. With this, the need to have a separate program is eliminated.The importance of having images in RAW format is to enable the user to gain access, details as possible. You can also see RAW File Viewer Software
However, there is a lot that depends on the software used for viewing and converting the digital negative. The choice of the appropriate viewer is thus very important.

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