You get it all with the new Microsoft Edge—performance, compatibility, and speed to make browsing the web even more effortless. The new Microsoft Edge has built-in features designed to give you more control over your data and to protect your privacy online. The new Microsoft Edge comes complete. However, the Windows 10 maker ceased the development of IE for Mac in 2003, not long after Apple released the Safari browser with the release of Mac OS X 10.3. Alternatives to Internet Explorer.
Global Nav Open Menu Global Nav Close Menu; Apple; Shopping Bag +. Reinstall Mavericks on Macbook Pro Now is the time to install the operating system so your dead computer can come back to life. This is the fun part. You will now use the boot drive you made to install Mavericks onto your brand new Mac! With more than 200 new features, OS X Mavericks brings iBooks and Maps to the Mac, includes a new version of Safari, enhances multi-display support, introduces Finder Tabs and Tags and delivers new. OS X Mavericks (version 10.9) is the tenth major release of OS X (since June 2016 rebranded as macOS), Apple Inc.' S desktop and server operating system for Macintosh computers. OS X Mavericks was announced on June 10, 2013, at WWDC 2013, and was released on October 22, 2013 worldwide. The update emphasized battery life, Finder improvements, other improvements for power users,.
Internet Explorer For Mac Os
We would like to inform that since, Internet Explorer is a part and package of Windows and comes along with Windows operating system, standalone installer of Internet Explorer is not available for Mac OS X. If you have Windows 10 installed on your MacBook Pro then, Internet Explorer. Internet Explorer 3. X does not add the version value to the registry. Instead, it adds a build value to the same registry key and updates the IVer string value to 103.For backward compatibility, Internet Explorer 4.0 and later versions change or add the build value.

IE5 even was the last Mac version and doesn't work;
Most sites that need IE (and where changing User Agent in Safari or Firefox won't work) you can look into Crossover Mac.
If you need actual Windows OS to run IE (and IE8 is current while IE6 is now unsupported) there is VM method like VirtualBox from Oracle.
I can't remember when IE4 but close to 10 yrs ago at least.
You'll have to try. And I think this is a question more for using OS X, or just check out Mozilla (and they have their own forums).
Look like IE4? have you tried?

Internet Explorer 4 For Mac Os
Jun 27, 2010 9:23 AM
Internet Explorer is Microsoft's venture into the Web Browser market. The initial version of Explorer was incarnated from Spyglass Mosaic which Microsoft licensed for a modest quarterly fee and a share of the non-Windows product revenues. As Microsoft decided to distribute Internet Explorer 'free of charge' with their Windows operating system, they were able to avoid most royalties. This resulted in a lawsuit and a US$8 million settlement in January 1997. Being included in Windows since Windows 95 and beyond, it quickly overtook Netscape in the first Browser War and retained ~95% of market share until the early 2000's when popular alternative browsers such as Mozilla Firefox came to market sparking the 2nd browser war. Internet Explorer was long known for disobeying set web standards by the W3C until version 9 when Microsoft took a new commitment to HTML5 and web standards.

Internet Explorer 4 For Mac Download
Release notes
Internet Explorer 4 Mac
Shipped with Windows 98 and introduced the Trident rendering engine replacing what they had aquired from Spyglass. The Active Desktop update was available for Windows 95/NT 4 users who installed Internet Explorer 4.0 as an option.