Theme Mac Os X For Ubuntu

  1. Installer Theme Mac Os X Sur Ubuntu

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  • Mac OS X Lion can really spruce up your Ubuntu system. For more, see the original article at the link below. Install Mac OS X Lion Theme on Ubuntu 12.04 Precise/11.10 Oneiric Noobslab.
  • Yosemite Gtk Theme is one of the best MacOS Theme for Ubuntu available out there for Ubuntu and other Linux derivatives. Yosemite Gtk Theme is a Mac OSX like a theme for GTK 3, GTK 2 and Gnome-Shell which supports GTK 3 and GTK 2 based desktop environments like.

Insight: Install macOS High Sierra Gtk Theme In Ubuntu 18.04

The Mac OS interface can be replicated on Ubuntu, the terminal style, the icons and a whole lot more.So a little rundown of what this article covers: Getting the GNOME shell. Getting a Mac theme for GNOME shell. Getting a Mac OS desktop dock. Getting a Mac OS icon set. Choosing a Mac OS style system font.

If you want to transform your Ubuntu into the Mac-book style desktop environment then macOS high Sierra GTK theme is the best theme for you. High Sierra GTL theme is a Mac OSX like theme for GTK 3, GTK 2 and Gnome-Shell which supports GTK 3 and GTK 2 based desktop environments like Gnome , XFCE, Mate, Pantheon etc.

How To Install macOS High Sierra GTK Theme In Ubuntu 18.04

Open your terminal in Ubuntu and execute the following command to install Sierra GTK theme.

Theme Mac Os X For Ubuntu

Download the theme file from the link below:

Now install the gtk theme with the help of following steps:

Extract the zip file which you have downloaded to the themes directory i.e. /home/USERNAME/.themes

Theme Mac Os X For Ubuntu

If you are a GNOME user, execute the following command in your terminal:

To set the theme in Xfce, run the following commands in Terminal,

Meanwhile, Check our other tutorials too:
1) Install 33 Ubuntu Themes At Once.
2 Best Lock Screen Themes.
3) Top 8 Best Ubuntu Themes.
4) Install Yaru Default Ubuntu Themes.
5) 6 Best Gnome Shell Themes.
6) Install Gnome In Ubuntu.

Give Ubuntu 14.04 a makeover. Transform Ubuntu 14.04 into Mac OS X. Zukimac is a GTK 3 theme which can transform your Ubuntu 14.04 Desktop look like MAC. Zukimac is free to download and provides support for both GTK 3.10 and GTK 3.12. Please note that it does not include an Mac OS X icon theme similar to Apple.

How to Install Mac OS X Theme (Zukimac Theme) on Ubuntu 14.04

  • Install Mac OS X Theme (Zukimac Theme) For Ubuntu 14.04 from the download link given below:
  • Extract the You will find two directories in there, Zukimac and Zukimac-ml. Copy the contents of the downloaded folder to .themes directory in your home directory. If you cannot see .themes directory, go to Home and press Ctrl+H to show all the hidden folders. Ifyou don’t find any .themes folder here, please create one.
  • Now open the Unity Tweak Tool and change the theme of Ubunutu 14.04. Open the Unity Tweak Tool. Click on Theme under Appearance section and select the Mac OS X Theme (Zukimac Theme).

Further changes to get Mac feel in Ubuntu 14.04

Install Mac OS X icon set

Icon theme: Feanza

Installer theme mac os x sur ubuntu


How to use a new icon set in Ubuntu 14.04:

You can install a new icon set in two ways – adding a PPA or download the compressed icon file and extract it to ~/.icons folder. If you cannot find ~/.icons folder, create one using the following command:

By default, the icons extracted in the ~/.icons directory are only available to the current user. Extract the icons to /usr/share/icons folder to make it available to all users.


Once installed, you can set an icon set using Unity Tweak Tool. If you haven’t installed Unity Tweak Tool, run the following command to install Unity Tweak Tool:

Once installed, open the Unity Tweak Tool. Click on Icons under Appearance section and select an icon set.

Install dock launcher like Plank or Docky.

Install Synapse indicator as an alternative of Mac Spotlight.

Installer Theme Mac Os X Sur Ubuntu

Install Slingscold launcher, alternative of Mac OS X launchpad.